Friday, July 8, 2011

Asking for prayers tonight...

This past weekend, we went to Kansas City for my cousin Peter's wedding.

Peter's new wife, Becca, had an amazing story. Two years ago, she had a kidney transplant. As I understood the story, her parents were going to give her their kidneys but when they went in for pre-op work found out that both her parents had cancer. It was a very tear-filled evening when her father spoke about Becca's strength and how she helped save their lives.

She received a kidney from another donor. It was beautiful to watch them at the wedding and so great to see her full of life.

I just received word that on their honeymoon in Florida she had to be life-watched because of kidney failure. Please pray for a miracle for her and for her new husband. Her parents are flying down to be with them. We are asking the intercession of Fr. Emil Kapaun.

Thank you and God Bless.