Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Favorite Gifts 2011- Dragon Slayers

Dominic received a copy of "Dragon Slayers" by Sir Wyvern Pugilist for Christmas from John and I. He has not stopped reading it since he opened it. For most of the day today, I watched him curled up on the edge of the couch, covered in a blanket reading this book and periodically saying, "Mom, I just love this book. How did you know I would love this book!"

He related to me the connection between what the author writes about and the spiritual life. He writes to young boys about recognizing bad dragons. We were driving in the car today and Dominic was telling me about what the bad dragons do.

The book parallels a young boy's life and good virtues to what they will be tempted with like greed, laziness, hastiness in one's work, cheating, and dishonesty. The book teaches them to combat these "dragons" with virtues, prayer, and the help of certain saints and how the saints themselves overcame dragons in their lives. They will read about Ignatius of Loyola, Titus Brandsma, Therese of Lisieux, and many more.

This book is a new release so couldn't be found on Amazon.
I purchased it through a fabulous Catholic bookstore here in Nebraska.

To order through this bookstore call Gloria Deo 1-888-420-1830.
The cost is $23.99. One of my favorite characteristics of the book is the faux leather cover. It is fun to hold in your hands.

To look through the book go to this SITE.

Happy Reading!

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