Friday, October 12, 2012

Mornings with Truman

You never know what you're going to get when you walk in her room in the morning. You either get a crab or a clown. It is always a treat. She adheres to a strict self-imposed routine.  She wants to eat, wants a da-doo, take a bath, and then we brush teeth the rest of the morning requesting often for a "little bit" of toothpaste again and again and again.
I put her by the window to bird watch.  The truth is I do these little antics to make myself giggle.  I love looking over and seeing her enjoying her breakfast while bird watching.  I can always tell when they are enjoying a meal because their feet are crossed in the front.
We then brush teeth for way too long. Often, she washes her hands several times.

She sings, brushes upside down, falls off the stool and gets hurt, drops her toothbrush into the gross sink. It is so fun.


  1. Every post should be a Truman post.


  2. Love it! Peter would brush his teeth all day long if I would keep giving him "toof-pay".

    And loving the little hair clip. Adorable!

  3. haha she makes me laugh. wild child
