Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Airplane Note.

The choice project of the day was paper airplane making. I don't know what ignited that idea, but most of the day was spent making different airplanes. I found this specific one while cleaning up last night. Treasures. Lillie was the architect of this plane.
While I let the kids watch a ridiculous amount of afternoon movies, I cleaned the bathrooms from the top of the walls to the bottom of every drawer. Why is that fun? Why is it fun to go through every cupboard, wipe down every drawer, organize hair bins, and wash and sanitize trash cans? Whatever the reason, I sure had a great afternoon and so did they.
Baby probably had 30 too many MumMums in the process. After about an hour, she wanted me to hold her, but I wasn't near finished so I put her in her throne and kept asking Clairvaux to give her "Just one more. Mama's almost done." I promise it isn't the usual around here...3 straight hours of TV and 30 MumMums. BUT, my bathrooms and closets are squeaky clean and organized.

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