Sunday, May 26, 2013

POtD Continued #2-6 Irvingdale, Stransky, Peach, Rudge, and Van Dorn Park

This title will have to do until I can think of a more intriguing opening title for all 125 parks we hope to visit this summer.
Tonight, we visited Irvingdale, Rudge, Peach, Van Dorn, and Stransky Parks.

Irvingdale Park
Rating: 2

 We decided to take a picture of each park as we were leaving so we could look back and remember what each looked like.

 Stransky Park
Rating: 10
I have always loved this park.  When Dominic was born, we lived in a little apartment two blocks away from this park.  It reminds me of his babyhood.

 They were hiding from Dominic.
 He found them.

 We decided Damaris has logged in more swing time already than any of our other kids put together.  

 Sister Chat.
 She decided to stay at a safe distance claiming she was 'fraid.  Whatever.  She isn't 'fraid of nothin'.

 I was trying to get a picture of Rose and Zellie.  Clairvaux decided otherwise.  Photo bomb PERFECTION.
 She spent a good amount of time thinking this dog was real and then wanting a picture.
 Lillie requested a picture stating she is going to grow up and have a lot of animals.

 23 weeks

Birds were everywhere.

Peach Park
Rating: 7

Rudge Park
Rating: 0
There wasn't much to do at this park besides swing.  We decided to move on.

Van Dorn Park
Rating: 10+
John claims this was the "box is more fun than the present" situation.  They thought this park was way too much fun.  It was old yet simple.  We stayed here for about 2 hours digging, sliding, and swinging.  The weather had really cooled off and it was just a lovely evening.

 Vianney told me that she could touch the blue clouds.

 Not much beats her baby blues.  Her eyes are like sapphires. 

 Rose and company worked on this for most of the time.  They wanted to dig all the way around.

 John and Dominic are running in a race tomorrow.  John was filling him in on the details of the race and how he was already nervous.  I love that I captured this sweet, genuine smile of Dominic.

 Humid curls
 100% Niewald look
 Near the end, it was just Rose plugging away.
 Baby finished up the work.  Good baby.

 A true sign of a good day at the park.
John and his homemade baby carrier.  Baby didn't like it.


  1. As a grand finale to this project you should journey to Marysville, KS about 90 minutes from Lincoln -- they have the most incredible park and I can just imagine your kids spending 1/2 day there.

  2. OH wow - laughing out loud...Damaris' tucked in lip...where does she get her nose? Cutest ever. Clare's photo bomb....there is just so much goodness in this post. How fun for your kids!! Good mom award Lin!!

  3. OH I can't even tell you how much I love this!!

  4. I have been lurking from afar....Each time I count your kids, in just about every picture I see. I find your family so beautiful! It's like I can't believe it! LOL I'm Catholic and am used to big families. But your family is just so beautiful!

  5. Your baby Damaris looks exactly like your brother Andrew.

  6. Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful! A Whole Holy Family is a joy to behold. This is what so many people want to have, but cannot say "yes" to God's will to obtain it. The sacrificial life of the parents brings forth such blessings and FUN!

  7. God Bless You & Our Family... The World Doesn't Know The Extent of family Yet, WE ALL Share This Globe.> I LOVE You...> So Sad it's brother Upon Brother. The Little ones ARE OUR Future. May We Point Them in The Right Direction so They Flourish to Whom They Can Be...
