Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Field Trip-St. Peter's Catholic Church with Fr. Schultes

Our homeschool group took a field trip on Friday to tour certain aspects of St. Peter's Church. Fr. Schultes led the tour and explained many of the sacramentals you see in church, but aren't quite sure of their purpose or function. The kids learned so much. Dominic mentioned several times how much he learned and enjoyed the field trip. He commented several times how he hadn't known why certain items where placed about the church. I later told John how powerful the role of priest can play in the lives of children. For a pretty intellectual field trip, the kids all sat perfectly still and listened as Father explained about the chalice, purificator, sanctuary light, and other important parts of our Catholic faith.

He went through each vestment and why certain colors are worn at certain times.  Dominic told me today that he and his friend Thomas were going to start wearing shirts the color that coincides with that day's liturgical color.  They wanted a calendar to so they keep track of what color to wear.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing a peek into your beautiful family with us here. So much inspiration for me that I hope to imitate with my own growing family! I think you may have a future priest in Dominic! :)

  2. Love it! Wearing shirts the liturgical color of the day is hilarious & awesome simultaneously. :)

  3. Oh my goodness! I can so see my 4-year-old wanting to dress in liturgically appropriate colors when he gets older :)

  4. I would so love to hear more about your decision to homeschool.

    1. I agree! I'd also love to know what curriculum you decided to use (and why), how you schedule your day for school, and how the homeschool academy was organized, etc. Your opinions and experience on this subject would be very valuable for us to know, too! (Because you're certainly doing it right!)

  5. I remember a priest doing that for a confirmation class one year. I don't think he went into quite as much detail, but he did explain each part of the Mass and his vestments to the teenagers and they all seemed to really enjoy it.

    It would be really awesome to visit a convent for nuns as well.

    I would also love to here about your choice to home school and what works well for your family.

  6. Forget about my kids dressing liturgically, I do too!

    What a great priest to take the time to do that. I am sure there were many little hearts that were changed for the better.

  7. I really enjoy your blog. Your children are absolutely adorable and you are a wonderful mother. I agree with the requests for a detailed homeschooling post! We are officially starting this year (oldest will be in kindergarten) after informally doing our own preschool homeschool. I would love to hear about what works/doesn't, curriculum recommendations, schedule recommendations, and what to do with the very youngest kids while the older ones are working on lessons that require a lot of assistance from me.

  8. Your priest must be a great speaker to keep them so attentive!

    And wearing the liturgical colors every day -- so cute -- but that would be a lot of green shirts! Maybe he could wear black like Father!

    Here is a great calendar we keep up on the pantry door for quick reference -- it's pretty large.


  9. PS I guess you wouldn't want this year's calendar now, but you can get next year's at the bottom of that page.
