Sunday, February 23, 2014

Rose's First Penance

Rose received the Sacrament of Penance for the first time yesterday. Rose Boever. You really are a perfect child. You are as sweet and perfect as could be. Goodness comes naturally to you. You are as helpful as a grown woman and have a unique way with little children and people in general always offering a pleasant smile and greet all you meet with, "How are you today?"
As pure as could be!  You told me you about cried when you went into the confessional.
Few things delight the hearts of Christian parents more than to see their child advancing in the spiritual life and walking with God.  We desire so greatly for them to know that they are a child of God, the princess of a King and an heir to the throne of heaven.  We pray they feel that in their heart. 
I came downstairs last week to find the dishwasher empty.  I said, "Someone here loves Jesus very much. Who did this?" 

Rose remarked, "I did.  I wasn't going to, but I asked myself what would a saint do so I did it."
Thank you Rose for being more mature than I am.  I was speechless.
The crew on our way to get Rose's ears pierced. 
We started the ear piercing tradition with Lillie on her First Penance.  The girls have the option of getting their ears pierced after they make their first confession if they want to. We wanted to incorporate our faith somehow into this little rite of passage of a young girl.  Just as sometimes it is hard and painful to go to confession, the grace received and the beauty of the soul are to resemble the small pain received when getting the ears pierced, but LOOK how beautiful your sparkly earrings are!  The courage it takes to endure that small amount of pain is always worth having a sparkling soul for Christ.

The crowd watching with much anticipation.  Zellie is up next year.  She has stated for months that she is NOT getting her ears pierced because she just wants to be Zellie.  Rose was on the fence also, but decided to go for it.  Upon seeing Rose's sparkling blue earrings, Zellie has crossed the line and is going for it next year.

She wasn't quite sure at all.

She said it didn't hurt at all.  Nothing.

My beautiful Rose.  She has always been beautiful since the moment I first saw that perfect face although when she was born she had a head of black hair.

A fun game of chess with Vianney.


  1. How can Zellie possibly be next year?! I can picture Rose old enough, but I still see Zellie as so tiny. It's funny like that with other people's children, isn't it? :)

    Rose is so darling! Congratulations to her! (I still laugh at the story of Lillie's ear piercing and the discussion in the car afterward about her understanding of how it tied in to Penance.)

    1. Yep! Lillie and her piercing!!!! Incredibly awesome!

    2. Also, I still see Zellie as so tiny also. I would prefer her to be tiny as I am never a fan of our kids getting older.

  2. How beautiful. Your children are so precious.
    Congratulations to Rose!

  3. Congratulations, we have one that will have his First Penance in March, he is so nervous. I first read about the ear pierce tradition here, and wish I had known of it before my daughter received her first communion last year. She is VERY scared to get them done, so we are waiting until she is older.
    God Bless your beautiful family.

  4. I love the idea of getting ears pierced after a first confession for girls. I have been on the fence about getting my young daughter's ears pierced, now I think we'll wait and let her decide after her first confession. Thanks for the great idea!

  5. so lovely Lindsay. wish I was there.

  6. That was beautiful! I loved the story of how she unloaded the dishwasher and her response. What a beautiful job you are doing!

  7. So lovely. I'll have to pray about a way to incorporate a similar idea into our boys' first penance when they're older.

    Rose looked so pale before the piercing! She's brave.

  8. Lovely. Loved the exchange between you two about the dishwasher. Very inspiring.

  9. I love this idea! Such beautiful pictures as well, thank you for sharing this family tradition with us.

  10. Oh Lindsay, what a beautiful family you have and what a beautiful mother you are. You are such an inspiration to me; I can only hope to become even a tiny bit the kind of mother you are!

  11. How sweet! What a great idea about the ear piercing with First Reconciliation! I have 4 boys and now my first girl, who is 10 months old. I'll have to remember this idea for another 6 or so years! Loved the story about the dishwasher. What a sweet girl. Thanks for sharing and God bless,

  12. LOVE this! My mom would let us get our ears pierced in time to wear cross earrings for our first communion. Great memories! :)
