Sunday, March 30, 2014

Rose's First Holy Communion

Our beautiful Rose made her First Holy Communion on Saturday, March 29, 2014 at St. Teresa's Catholic Church. I will not be able to capture in the written word what our hearts experienced this glorious weekend. Rose has been preparing for months at home for her momentous day. We prayed the First Communion novena everyday together and I loved watching her pray intently and with intention. Aunts, uncles, grandparents, and over 30 of her cousins came to celebrate with her. What a very loved child.
The mass was supernatural.  The homily was spectacular.  The reverence was second to none.  Something was uniquely special about Rose's First Communion mass that I cannot put my finger upon.
I know she felt like the queen of England.  She waltzed through our home as though she was regal.  I plan to have all the girls wear the same dress, but each can pick out their own veil.  She chose one from Gloria Deo with roses on the headband.
I included this picture because of my hand.  I love my mother's hands.  With all the last minute details, it can often get a little hairy trying to get out the door on these big days.  There is the meal to be made, hair to be curled x6, white tights to be found x6, shoes to find x8, a baby to nurse, etc., etc., etc.  I felt rushed to do her hair, but took just small moment in prayer to ask to let me just savor the moment of being with her.  She didn't care how her hair looked.  She was just excited so I am grateful I just sat with her and answered her questions.  Thank you for that moment.

I whispered in her ear that she is our favorite.  She smiled at me.  I tell each of them that and tell them not to tell the others.  I think they know the little game. 

Rose Boever, you are everything I hope to be when I grow up.

It is difficult to capture the exact moment each child receives Jesus for the first time.  This is the best we got, but none the less, Rose was glowing.

We have never participated in CCD before this year.  The Christ the King sisters teach CCD for the sacrament years and once Rose met Sr. Mary Caritas she was enamored by her spiritual beauty.  Sister invited Rose to come on every Wednesday and we couldn't turn down such a wonderful opportunity for her to be around such a powerful example.  I thoroughly enjoyed picking Rose up each week only to find her chatting happily away with Sister.  If Rose becomes a nun, I will attribute this short encounter with Sister as a seed planting moment in her life. 
Rose has a spiritual depth that would delight the heart of any parent.  She explained tonight in prayer that to love someone is to want the best for that person.  To want the best for that person is to want that person to be in heaven.  To want that person in heaven means you would never put that person's soul in the state of mortal sin.  You got it girl.  She thanked us tonight for all the small details that went into her First Communion weekend even down to the egg sandwiches we ate this evening and for making the effort to take everybody to Dominic's football game.

The essence of Rose.  She is all grace and beauty but she is as athletic as they come.

Good Uncle Joshua pitching to Rose.

First Base on her First Communion.

I couldn't capture in the photo how many kids were stuffed into the fort. 

When going to bed last night, I asked John what he will remember most about this day.  He said he will always remember Rose playing all day in her dress and veil running wildly with her cousins having the time of her life.
Rose went on her First Communion retreat the previous Wednesday.  She was so excited she couldn't sleep the night before.  We worked this past week on creating her banner.  In the past, we made one from scratch, but this year due to a time restraints I just bought the kit.  Man, I should have just bought the kit the past years.  She couldn't have had more fun decorating, gluing,  cutting, and arranging this banner.  After it was finished, she commented how she was sad that it was over and wished we could start over from the beginning.  Children are so awesomely simple!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I cannot ever see Rose and keep from smiling (not that I'd want to, anyway). She is all light and beauty and joy. Congrats to her on this huge day!

  2. oh, beautiful, beautiful Rose!

  3. Maybe there was an extra spiritual high getting to watch your Rose receive her King at St. Teresa's Church. An extra rose for you, maybe?

  4. Oh your posts always make me teary!! Congratulations to Rose!

  5. So happy to be a 'fly on the wall' of your sweet Rose's First Holy Communion. Sometimes the party becomes the focal part of the day, as opposed to Jesus. Clearly, your little girl understood what the sacrament is truly about. Congratulations, proud momma!

  6. Such a lovely little girl. Thanks for sharing.

  7. She DOES look like the queen of England, though she truly is God's princess, huh? What a lovely and special weekend for you all. Thank you for sharing.

  8. Oh congratulations! You can see the women she will become in your beautiful photos. I just love First Holy Communion-always a big celebration at our home. (And my daughter did the same as soon as she came home from hers-ran outside to play with the boys, in the mud, before I could have her change.)

  9. So sweet! I especially love those pictures of her playing outside in her dress! Congratulations, Rose!

  10. What a beautiful celebration and a beautiful girl! I have loved all my children's First Communion Masses - it's one of my favorite days of the year, every year!

  11. Congratulations to your sweet Rose!

  12. i like it
    comen back :)

  13. I am wondering the significance of John kneeling next to Rose, if you could please tell me? There are so many things I have learned from your blog and would love to incorporate in my family life and so I'm genuinely wondering why he is kneeling and you are not. (This is not any sort of criticism!) Thanks! :)

  14. I like your post.What a beautiful girls.Congratulation Rose!!! Of your first Holy Communion.Keep you joy.

    girls communion

  15. It may be late for me to say this, but congratulations to Rose for accomplishing her First Holy Communion. You must feel so proud seeing her with that beautiful white dress while receiving the Communion bread. Thank you for sharing with us, Lindsay! All the best to your family! :)

    Carson Coronado @ Old St. Marys Detroit
