Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Who's that girl?

Right before my eyes I am watching the transformation of a little girl into a woman. Mostly woman now.  It is hard to wrap my mind around our children getting older.  We spend our days together everyday, but somehow they are slowly emerging out of their childhood shells into adults.  I still see them as someone I should/might/maybe would carry around in the ERGO so why are you wearing those clothes and thinking such deep thoughts?

Lillie has probably grown the most this past year.  We wear the same shoe size and she is almost as tall as me.  How?  Why? Where?  She really is the best older sister to her siblings.  She loves Lourdes so much that she gets tears in her eyes when speaking about her.  She is full of love and excitement.

Lillie's best trait is loyalty and compassion.  She can spot someone struggling from a mile away and is so eager to intercept and help out.  She has such a beautiful heart.  Out of all of our children, Lillie loves animals the most.  She is a natural with them.  I have noticed a simple consistency with people that those who love animals seem to be so aware of others and their needs.  Interesting.

These pictures capture perfectly why mothering is hard.  In the above picture, I see a growing mature girl blossoming into womanhood.  In the below picture, I see a little girl who was so excited to dress up for All Saint's Day and ran around and played like a child.  It leaves your head spinning at times.
My VERY favorite thing about Lillie is that she doesn't care a drop about her appearance.  She is so unaware and carefree about her clothes, hair, shoes, whatever.  She is thankful for anything in her drawer and would much rather be doing a million other things than worry about that.


  1. She is beautiful and her character sounds even lovelier. Still praying for your mama xx

  2. She looks so much like John! I love that you named your eldest two girls Lillie and Rose. Is your mother doing any better?

  3. I love you WU! Love Mammy!

  4. I hope she'll be able to follow her passion for animals/caring for others and turn it into a job one day! Even more than that, I hope she'll always be as happy as in that bottom picture. Lovely post.

  5. I am so impressed by Lillie and Clairvauxs' expressions in your new banner... they look positively Royal

  6. Lovely reflection! I spy some CC memory work in the background of those first photos I think?! Are you pleased with the CC curriculum?

  7. I love you WU! Love Mammy!love blog love peppa pig thanks
