Friday, June 21, 2013

Parks #22-27 (Edenton South, Sunken Gardens, American Legion, Woods, Neighbors & Antelope Parks)

Continuing on with the park excursions, we added six new parks to our log.

Edenton South Park
Rating:  7 due to motion sickness on the merry-go-around

We only visited one park that particular evening as we had been out looking at a possible new home.  We went for ice cream at Runza afterwards.

 Sunken Gardens
Rating: 10+
I am embarrassed to admit that I've never been to Sunken Gardens before this evening.  I have lived in Lincoln a good portion of my life, but for some reason it has never happened.  This park/garden is peaceful.

 So much to show us.
 Once again, she is filled with more syllables than she knows what to do with especially if she is trying to tell us something.
 Oh Mom.  I didn't know you came.
The Performer strikes again.  I caught this gem on our way to the car to move on to the next park.  She stopped at this monument like looking plaque and must have thought it was the Presidents so she busted out the President's song.

 The fat hobbit in her shire-like element.

 American Legion Park
Rating:  2
We left as soon as we came.  We located several unidentifiable substances at the bottom of the two lone slides so we moved on.

 Woods Park
Rating: 7

 Neighbors Park
Rating: 4

We just drove by as the kids were eager to get to their favorite Antelope Park.

 Antelope Park
Rating: 100+

They LOVE this park.  We hate this park.  It is always packed so it is hard to keep track of everybody running everywhere.  The playground structure is amazing, but just not suitable nor really safe for the littles.  On the contrary, they dream of this park in their sleep.

Our latest night yet.  We arrived home at almost 10:15 PM and bathed/showered/brushed teeth, put to bed all 7 children in less than 20 minutes.  We have that aspect down to a science.


  1. Wow. I'm amazed by your parting comment--how on earth did you do that in 20 min? With my TWO it takes over an hour. What am I doing wrong?!?

  2. Yeah I second the 20 min bedtime rush question : )

    Also random question, we are about to move numero #1 and #2 into the same room making space for numero #3... How do you/your kids deal with different bedtimes and waking up early and having alone time? My 3 yr old had a 20 min meltdown (screams, tears... the works) last night so I put her in her room to cool off and all I could think about was in a few months my 16 month old would be in the room too. Makes me a bit nervous....

  3. I think you need to share some of that science with us!

  4. I love the hobbit and her belly! So cute! And yes, I think you should share your bedtime routine with the rest of us novices. :)

  5. A possible new home!! :) Best of luck and prayers to our sweet friend St. Joseph as you search. I know you and John (and Mech) love him so!
