Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Pink Stork Solutions

I would gander to say that most women encounter morning sickness to some degree or another.  I am certain the market would be quite profitable for some brilliant mind if they had the time, money, and resources to dig up the origins of morning sickness and more importantly develop a natural remedy.  I've researched this topic for hours and have come across many, many recommendations natural and pharmaceutical.

I wrote about the topic in this post: To Remember About Morning Sickness.  I had researched most of that after the nausea had subsided with Lourdes so I didn't have a chance to test out the theories, but I am sure they would help so much.

I wanted to pass along this new company that a friend introduced me to a couple weeks ago called Pink Stork Solutions:  Morning Sickness and Prenatal Health.  This is not a sponsored post, but I couldn't keep this information to myself especially given the topic of morning sickness.  I know how desperate I have been in the past for relief.  This company seems to have researched and gotten to the core of why women encounter morning sickness.  The reviews are honest with most claiming that it didn't take the sickness away, but reduced the effects of morning sickness tremendously.

They offer two plans.  The first being for mild symptoms and the second for severe.  The descriptions for each plan are clear and will guide you through which plan to buy.

I am assuming that you are wondering why I am passing along this information at this time.
We found out two weeks ago that God had given to us another child to love and hold.  We were over the moon.  It was the best telling our children that baby #10 would be gracing our family in October.  My due date was October 7th which is my dad's birthday.  John and I were just giddy about our new baby.  We had a series of ridiculous events that week and I kept saying to John, "I don't care!  We get to have another baby!  Those things don't even bother me compared to the gift of a whole new person."  Our kids cried with excitement when we told them.

That was when I learned about Pink Stork as I had texted my friend to let her know about our newest and she told me about this new company.  I ordered THAT night!

Sadly, the day the package arrived we learned we had miscarried our baby.  I am a selfish lover.  John's mom always says that it is so hard to give them back.  Man. I felt this HARD.  I don't know why, but my first emotion was ANGER.  We wanted so much to see and hold that baby in our arms.  We wanted so much to know who you were.  The moment we find out we are expecting LIFE shifts in a different trajectory.   We know that in 8 or so months a new person is coming which affects so much in our home from homeschooling, to room arrangements, on and on.  My mother heart starts immediately going and preparing my nest for a new person.  When that comes to a sudden HALT, emotions can go wild.  This is the fourth child we have lost to miscarriage.  It is comforting knowing those little souls are waiting for us on the other side, but humanly I cannot help but want to have known WHO and stare into that beautiful face a while on this side.

I hope Pink Stork is able to help someone in the throes of morning sickness and I am hopeful that if we are given more children, this will help.


  1. I am so sorry. I had a miscarriage 2.5 years ago (in the second trimester) and I had no idea how much it would hurt. I had always thought it would be sad to lose a baby, but it was crushing. I hope that you get to use that Pink Stork kit soon!

  2. I'm so sorry for your loss. It breaks my heart to hear whenever a little one returns to God so soon. Prayers.

  3. I am so sorry for your loss, Lindsay. You and your family are in my prayers; thank you for sharing this life with us!

  4. It's heartbreaking to read of your loss. Your love for your family is beautiful. Thank you for letting your readers know.

  5. I am so, so very sorry for your loss. Praying for you as you mourn the loss of your precious baby.

  6. So sorry to hear this! Prayers for you and your family!!

  7. Im so sorry to hear this Lindsay, Prayers!

  8. So sad to hear of your loss. Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing this so other women who have suffered the same loss can feel less alone. Love & prayers to you and your family!

  9. Oh no! My heart goes out to you, John, and the kids. I am so,very sorry. There will be such a happy reunion one day! She or he will be patiently waiting with our Lord. I will say prayers for all of you. Thank you for the Pink Stork info!! I am a "severe sickness" person. God willing, next time I can find some relief!

  10. Lindsay, prayers for you and your beautiful family to get through this sad time. You're an inspiration!!

  11. Lindsay I'm sorry for your loss. Prayers for your family.

  12. Prayers for your aching heart...
    So sorry for the loss.

  13. I lost a child to miscarige too and my heart still longs for that child. However, I find it fascinating how God healed my wound. I long for that child, but I am not desperate. I miss my baby but I have hope. I will be carrying you in my hear and prayers.

  14. I am so sorry Lindsey. My husband and I suffered four losses after our third baby. I often wonder as well who they would have been. My first loss often visited me in my dreams after each of the other losses. Taking them with him, telling me that he will protect them and keep them and be their big brother until I can join them.

  15. I am so sorry to hear this, Lindsay. We never stop missing our babies. Prayers for you and John and the kids.

  16. Oh, Lindsay, I'm so so so sorry. I've been thinking of you a lot lately, it must of have been me sensing my children's delight at greeting your little one in heaven. Please know you'll be our prayers. I get the anger too. Oh, I was so angry the last time. And the anger didn't really subside until we were pregnant again (9 months later). *HUGS*

  17. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Will keep your family in my prayers. You have such a loving heart; it always inspires me to dig deeper and find greater joy in all the moments of my motherhood. So please know that your mother's heart touches so many beyond your family, too.

  18. I am so sorry Lindsay. I am just a follower of your blog who loves how much you treasure each and every one of your babies. You are an encouragement to me, a young mama of littles on a similar path. I will be praying for you as you grieve your loss.

  19. I am so sorry for your loss and will be praying for your family.

  20. I am so sorry for your loss! Prayers for your family.

  21. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, Lindsay. I'll be praying for you and your family.

  22. I am so sorry about the loss of your precious little one. You will be in my prayers.

  23. Condolences on your loss and prayers for your family.

  24. I am so sorry Lindsey. It is so painful. We are coming up on the year mark since we had our loss and it still hurts to remember. I pray that our Lord may bless you with comfort and peace.

  25. I am so, so sorry for your loss. We lost two babies a year and a half ago and part of my heart still feels so raw even though we were blessed with a sweet little girl this fall. Her birthday was October 7 which was also the feast of our lady of the Rosary, so I will remember to pray for your little one as we share a special date.

  26. My heart aches for you, Lindsay. I am so sorry, and am praying for you right now.

  27. I'm so sorry Lindsay. Miscarriage is heartbreaking.

  28. I am so sorry Lindsay! I actually thought the other day "Lourdes birthday is coming up, I bet Lindsay will be pregnant soon and I can't wait to hear about it!!" And I truly mean that. We have five little Saints in heaven and 2 daughters here on earth and I cherish every single day with them and couldn't imagine the immense joy even more would be!!! I sometimes think I live vicariously through your postings as although we long for more children, thus far it has not been God's will. Thank you for sharing yourself with so many of us, you truly exemplify the joy of this vocation and I have thought more than once "I want to be like Lindsay when I grow up!"...ha, ha...even though I think I am older than you. Hee, hee....

    Please know of my prayers for your hurting heart and I hope to read about another announcement soon. God Bless!

  29. Prayers for your family as you suffer this loss.

  30. So very sorry for your loss Lindsay! Please know of my prayers.

  31. Tears. I'm so sorry for your loss. Praying for you and your family!

  32. Lindsay, you and John are the most beautiful Catholics. I learn so much from you and your family. Prayers for you both. Thank you for sharing with us.

  33. I'm so sorry you lost this little one. Prayers.

  34. Praying for you, I'm so sorry for the loss of your unborn child. As a mama who has had many miscarriages, my heart aches for you. I pray God gives you the graces you need to work through this. "Look into the light", the light of your children's faces, the light of all those who love you, the light of our Lord who loves you. We are so very near Him when we suffer for the good of His kingdom. God bless you always.

  35. God bless you! What a tremendous loss for all of you! You inspire me so much. Do know of my prayers...

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  37. Oh, I am so sorry to hear this. Praying our loving Jesus brings you His peace in His time. I do wonder what it will be like to be reunited with our babies in Heaven one day. Blessings to you.

  38. Dear Lindsay, I am so very sorry. May the Lord dry your tears and restore your joy and grant you and your family many more abundant blessings.

  39. My heart just filled to bursting when I began reading this post, and now my eyes are filled instead. I am so very sorry for your loss. Prayers for you and your family.
    -Camille E

  40. So sorry Lindsay but I love that you shared this with us. I have had five miscarriages and is very hard. I pray to St. Zelie often because she had one of the best attitudes I have ever heard about the giving back of our babies. Peace be with you!

  41. Lindsay, I'm so sorry for your loss. Faith helps so much - to know this isn't good bye, but really just see you in a while. But it is still awfully hard not to get to hold and snuggle that little one. We've lost five and have six here with us, for which I am selfishly glad.

  42. I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for passing along the info about Pink Stork.

  43. Wonderful! I love reading stories like this, you must have been so proud. Hope you're all doing well now!

  44. I love you as a sister in Christ and love your blog and my heart hurts for you and your loss, your husband and kiddos, and now also your momma as I read your most recent post. So many prayers for comfort for all!!! Your beauty shines through in sickness and in health, as they say. Peace & goodness to you!

  45. We've had 3 losses and 5 living children (expecting #6 in a few months.) It helps to be able to talk/grieve publicly. Thank you for sharing this with us and I hope you find comfort and peace. It's hard to know you won't see someone for a while when you expected them to be here with you, even if you know that eventually you'll be together again.


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