Saturday, January 25, 2014

March for Life 2014

Our March for Life crew. 

I think unless I am in the hospital having a baby I could never miss this event.  It was a chilly one, but we marched. John works every weekend in January and February because of other scheduled events.  Which means, we go to the march without him.  He hates missing it as we share the same intense passion of defending the rights of the unborn and the war being waged against women.

It is so amazing to see so many families with small children and older people marching for the cause.  It is so hopeful.

 I want them to know how important it is.  I want them to know that no matter how cold it is, we remember all those babies who died.  I hope this will always be important to them as they get older.


  1. That's awesome!!!

    How do you manage 8 kids in a hotel room? We have done 2 a few times but this summer we'll have to figure out sleep arrangements for 3!

    1. I don't know if this helps, but once our family got past 4 kids (we're six now), we just get two adjoining rooms or a very large suite. It's the only way to cram us all in. :)

    2. We have found staying at Embassy Suites are great because of the extra space and pull out couch and free breakfast but this time it is for a wedding block at a Sheraton and we are stuck with a king bed and no pull out couch. I am thinking 2 pack and plays might be in the works if we can keep (not-so-baby) #2 in one.

  2. That is amazing! I think there's no way we could have done it this year with two infants and a toddler under 2, but maybe next year ...? Any advice for dealing with missed naps?

  3. I saw your husband running the Lincoln half/marathon last year (or maybe the year before). After I realized it was him, I saw his name tag said "Prolife" or something along those lines. My friends and I all cheered. Creative way to be a witness!

  4. I'm curious to know how you handle the March for Life with your kids, i.e., do they understand or question why they're marching? At what age do you tell them what abortion is? How do you handle posters displaying violent images?

    Thanks! We actually live right outside DC, but I haven't attended the March since I was pregnant with my first. I figured we will have a season when we go again - thanks to you, maybe that season will be sooner than we thought!

  5. Lindsey, that is amazing you managed to go! After reading this post and noticing the pictures of so many small children in our diocese newspaper involved in marching, I feel inspired to involve my little ones too. I second the above question on how you aproach the cause behind marching with your little ones (specifically 6 and under).

  6. Is this at your local/diocesan march, or at the national one? That might answer some of the above questions. Our local march took place at 4 degrees with a windchill of negative 16, so we stayed in the Cathedral after Mass for Eucharistic Adoration, and that was an amazing first experience with our little ones. Praise God for so many people sacrificing so much for a worthy cause...millions of them!

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