Sunday, January 26, 2014

The head meets the fireplace

Last Saturday, we were all sitting in the living room watching Damaris be adorable.  She was performing and we were delighting in her singing "Do you hear the people sing?" and "That's what makes you beautiful."  (Thanks, Aunt Damaris).

I was watching her wildly run back and forth and said to John, "Somebody is going to trip and hit their head on the fireplace."  Aren't we mothers always predicting the future?

NOT TEN MINUTES LATER, it happened.  I even had the kids pick up what few objects were on the floor just in case.  Nope.  She tripped on her own feet and smashed and I mean smashed her head into the fireplace so hard that I shutter at remembering it.  We all saw it happen and all gasped at the same time.

 I mean seriously.  Have you ever seen a billiard ball attached to a child's forehead?  YES, I was freaking out.  John grabbed her and it was instantly huge and kept getting bigger.  I only have this picture because I sent it to my mom because I've never seen ANYTHING like it my career thus far.  She wanted me to call my uncle who works in the ER.  Poor Poor baby.  She cried so hard.  I think I cried harder.  THANK GOODNESS John is calm.  He held ice on her head, checked her eyes, and watched her like a hawk for a couple hours.

I wish I were better at these things.  She swelled really bad the next couple days, but it is almost completely gone now.  I HATE accidents of all sorts.  I told my sister if a sledge hammer would have been near the fireplace I would have been tempted to smash the fireplace into a thousand pieces for hurting my baby. 

Thank God that she was fine.  Prayers for her mother would be appreciated.


  1. Oh Lindsay! Thank God she is okay! So scary sometimes being a mom. Praying for you, Mama!

    1. Hahaha that’s great hope she suffers a brain bleed and it killed her, wish I had known about this incident I could have slammed her face on the fireplace once more and harder with each hit 😈

    2. I hope someone tracks you down and murders you and your entire bloodline. Creep.

    3. Who tf says that about an innocent baby you are sick in the head the only way to fix people like you is with a bullet. There's no room in the world for assholes like you. And wow you even had to comment as anon what a gutless coward

  2. Poor baby! I have tears in my eyes just looking at the pics! Thank God for calm husbands...I'm blessed with one too.

  3. Poor wee one! I did the exact same thing on the brick hearth at the age of three. I still remember the ride home from the doctor's office. My parents ended up covering the front edge of the hearth with a carpeted cornice box. It wasn't as pretty as the exposed brick, but my skull (and teeth, and various limbs) remained intact despite my best efforts.

  4. Oh, goodness! Ouch, ouch, ouch! I'm so glad she's okay and I hope your heart finds a little peace soon!

  5. Oh Lindsay- I'm shuddering and gasping at the thought! Your poor sweet baby. Praying for you BOTH.

    1. Baby doesn’t deserve to be prayed over she should have been given lethal injection at on her arm and her head slammed on a counter and wacked off a wall 🤣 I can already tell she grew up to be an ugly little girl just by the way her hair looked when she was a baby 🤞😂🤞 crossing my fingers and praying she doesn’t breed or live long enough to see her graduation day

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Oh noooo! Poor baby! We had to get these right away when our first was up and running, those corners are killer and I think the maker of these is a genius: Prince Lionheart Fireplace Guard with Two Corners, Chocolate Brown (I tried to post the link but it was crazy long!)

    1. It was satisfying to see that photo of your little shit stain with a goose egg on her head and ugly curly blond hair and a tear rolling down her fat fuck face please beat her within an inch of her life and update her photo for all to see I wanna see her on her knees begging for her life crying while she is bruised all over and in pain 😈

  8. Oh Damaris, that is one big boo boo! And Lindsay, I think you're right, even though the child has the injury, I think the momma's heart gets injured WAY WORSE! Prayers for you both. Glad to hear it's looking better already!

  9. Oh no, poor baby AND poor Mommy & Daddy. My 2nd ran right into the corner of a wall once while also running around having a blast. His swelled up just like that and it scared me SO very bad! I'm glad to hear she is feeling much better and the swelling has gone down!

  10. Head bashes are the WORST- they swell so big, so quickly. Glad to hear she is healing!

  11. So glad your little one is doing better!! We once used pipe insulation as protection on those brick edges. My husband bought some at the local hardware store and cut a slit in it lengthwise. It then opened up enough to attach to the edges quite snuggly. A cheap fix that helped me feel better about the kids playing near the fireplace. :)

    1. Wish she had died to be honest I would have pissed on her coffin as it was being lowered into the ground 🤣😈

  12. That photo makes ME feel squeamish, and I work in wound care, for pity's sake! Poor baby and poor parents! So thankful she will be alright. I second the idea of pipe insulation. We used pool noodles slit lengthwise, but the insulation would be a little more sedate looking! Just watch out for little ones teething on them...

  13. This was the weekend for head injuries! Charlie has 8 stitches in the forehead after bravely running through a pillow fight gauntlet, and I have 1,000 stitches in my heart. Our guardian angels work overtime around here!! Hope she (and you) are feeling better very soon!

  14. Poor baby! With 4 boys I can't even tell you how many head bashes and stitched we've had. My pediatrician once told me that with any head bump like that, swelling outside is always better than unseen swelling inside, so it you get a big bump like that, it's usually a "good" thing (as good as your poor baby being injured can be!).

    1. That’s not a head bash give her to me I’ll show her what a REAL head bash feels like 😈

  15. Oh my goodness, poor little baby! I tell ya, about 50% of this parenting gig is just watching kids run into things and not being able to do anything about it. Hope she feels better soon...:)

    1. That’s when you pick them up hold them upside down and slam their heads on a hard surface hopefully by doing so you will knock some sense into them for them being so stupid and acting out while looking ugly 🤣

  16. Hi Lindsay, I feel your pain. Our daughter had to have her head glued together from a fall on the hearth. The fireplace has always worried us with our three kids. When our youngest was born with some physical issues, safety became even more important to us. Enough that we built a business on child safety. We have a patented fireplace hearth cushion called the Jack-Mat. It is custom made to fit ay shape or size hearth. Probably half our customers order before there is an accident and half after. Some stories are pretty scary. My wife and I build each cushion ourselves and ship them all over the country to protect little ones. Just google fireplace hearth safety and you will find us. Best of luck.

  17. Check out this blog which details how she made a seat cushion for a raised brick hearth. My husband and I made one for ours and it was pretty easy and turned out cute!

  18. We had one of those big fireplace hearths in our last two houses. When we had lots of little kids, I made a cushion that was L shaped, using plywood, brackets to attach the boards to each other, covered the boards in quilt batting, then material that sort of matched the house at the time. So it fit over the top and the front of the hearth, but was far enough away from the fire that you could still use the fireplace. I just couldn't stand the thought of someone falling head first into it. It's bound to happen--little kids fall all the time! We used that for many, many years and just recently got rid of it now that we are past that stage. It saved us from many head injuries, I am sure. Good luck and I hope little Damaris feels and look better! That was one nasty bump!

  19. Brat asked for it and she deserved it. lol hope she suffers repercussions from this when she becomes a kid and a teen and later an adult. I would love to hear that she’s on medication for the rest of her worthless life all because she gets “ constant headaches “ from a head injury and sustained as a baby involving a fireplace. Hahaha burn baby 🔥👶😈

    1. I hope i go to hell to meet you there so i can endlessly torture your soul i would love to bash and make you skull fuck your own skull stick your worthless ass in a fire cook you eat you shit you out and then bring you back next i will have the most big dick demons come fuck you in every fucking hole you have as there fuckin you peel your fucking skin off your pig fuck body take your fuckin eyelids and find every pathetic incest family and have them each get fucked and tourtured your back ally prositute mom whore sister cunt grandma have your dad fuck you over just like he already does so it can remind you of the times that you just a ass taking cum dumpster i would love to have you☻️☻️😘i lll be waiting for that ass hahaha in hell i promise i coming for alll you sick fucks and make you see i can play the game your my type to wanna do all the funn things with hahahaha i curse you you will be mines to torture you will never know what those words may come back to you about crushing this lil girls skull in which im soory for this mother to have this guy on her blog but hey theres me whos demonic for these people👹👹 i will find all you sick fuckin child hurting pedos promise

    2. Look weirdo.
      It's very pathetic that your somsadly irrelevant in your own life that you have to share your ugly thoughts toward people who are just living their lives while you live life irrelevant and unhappy . You know the only true fact is your gamma burn in hell alone, keep your bitterness to yourself and im.sure you won't. I'm sure u were a weirdo growing up and your still weird now and your only relevance is making comments on people blogs who don't know you. Work on being normal before it's too Kaye. Jesus loves even weirdos like you.
