Monday, June 14, 2010

Update on Olivia McCoppin

Mary Heitkamp just called with this report on Sunday night at 11:45 pm. She just left Children’s Hospital in Omaha where she was with Diane and Dave McCoppin.

At the present time, the doctor’s are not hopeful that Olivia will pull through this. They performed a CAT scan and the results are not good. Her little organs are showing signs of damage from the lack of oxygen. They don’t expect her to make it. Unless God performs a miracle and chooses to let her stay here with us, it looks like Olivia will be meeting Jesus soon. She is not brain dead at this time. She takes occasional breaths on her own. The part of the brain responsible for breathing is very well protected and is the last to shut down. In a few days, if she is still with us, the doctor’s will perform an MRI to assess the extent of the damage. The doctor attending to Olivia have told the family that a waiting time of a few days is necessary for the full impact of the damage to show up.

Diane was at the hospital with her husband Dave, her mom and dad, her sister (or sister-in-law) and a niece. Dave’s parents are at their home caretaking the other children. When Mary visited, there were also two priests ministering to them. Mary was able to pray with Diane and show her Christ’s comfort.

Emily, the second oldest McCoppin child was already scheduled to come home on Tuesday. I’m not sure at this time if she will move up her flights or not but pray for traveling mercies for Emily. It would be hard to get the news about Olivia when you don’t have the comfort of family around.

Be in prayer for Olivia, Dave and Diane, their children and extended family, the doctors, and those that will minister to the McCoppins in the days ahead. God’s will should be pleaded. And through all of this, that HE be glorified.

The verse below was shared with me today via a friend of Dianne McCoppin's. I pass it on as it is a powerful comfort and message.

Prayer is the most aggressive, pro-active, offensive, invasive action one can take in any situation. Prayer reaches into the spiritual realm and accesses all the power of heaven for the circumstances of earth.
"The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Cor. 10:4-5).

When life gets too hard to stand.........kneel.

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