Tuesday, March 8, 2011
To Know Christ Jesus
My heart is ready. We begin our Lenten journey tomorrow. I will be gone from the computer until Easter. I cannot wait to see what I learn, what I struggle with, and how I handle my struggles. My prayer is that I come out of the desert knowing this man who gave His life for mine. He gave His life so that I might have eternal life. I pray that he becomes my constant. He becomes my comfort.

Happy 33rd Birthday, Sweetness!
To my Dear Johnny,
(My song to You!)
I could write a novel to you. I am so glad your parents were open to life and had YOU! For that simple fact alone, I will always be grateful to THEM for having you and raising such a splendid person. Most probably don't know you have an identical twin sister (wink, wink). Your mother didn't know she was having twins until after your sister was born. You were born 45 minutes later. You were big babies weighing almost 8 pounds each.

I love your knowledge of philosophy, theology, human nature, politics, and goodness. You seek goodness and recognize it. My little sisters are all "looking for a John." Kathryn will ask me "How will I know when I have found a John?" As my mother always tells me, "They don't make 'em like John anymore." Oh, so true. You are a rare gem indeed. You are what I had prayed for my whole life. I will remember our car drives as you singing and whistling to country music. I asked you what your dream job was and you said to be an Ultimate Frisbee Player or a Country Music Singer and then said "whatever allows me to be home with you more."
I think your middle name is Sacrifice. You do it so well that you almost trick me into believing you love doing the hard thing. You are a joyful giver with your time, talent, and treasure. Your parents taught you that well. They are just like that! I often watch you and think, "I am watching a saint in the making." You do the small things to perfection be it bathing the little ones or mowing the lawn. No one weed eats like you.
I love so many things about you and I. I love calling you at work to just laugh or tell you something funny. I love our inside jokes. I love that we stay up way too late watching movies, eating, and talking. I love that we start movies at midnight. I love that we talk to each other as if we are in the the TV series "24" together. I love more than anything watching you be a father. You are tender and gentle. You take your vocation so seriously. Your children are loved by their father. You know them as well as I know them. Their likes, dislikes, favorite foods, favorite outfits, favorite colors, favorite princess. You make it all a priority to you.
Thank you always for sacrificing and choosing the hard road. Thank you for making my family so important to you. Thank you for making my friends important to you. Thank you for giving me the greatest gift in our marriage~our children. We are so blessed. I couldn't love you more. Happy 33rd Birthday!
(My song to You!)
I could write a novel to you. I am so glad your parents were open to life and had YOU! For that simple fact alone, I will always be grateful to THEM for having you and raising such a splendid person. Most probably don't know you have an identical twin sister (wink, wink). Your mother didn't know she was having twins until after your sister was born. You were born 45 minutes later. You were big babies weighing almost 8 pounds each.
I love your knowledge of philosophy, theology, human nature, politics, and goodness. You seek goodness and recognize it. My little sisters are all "looking for a John." Kathryn will ask me "How will I know when I have found a John?" As my mother always tells me, "They don't make 'em like John anymore." Oh, so true. You are a rare gem indeed. You are what I had prayed for my whole life. I will remember our car drives as you singing and whistling to country music. I asked you what your dream job was and you said to be an Ultimate Frisbee Player or a Country Music Singer and then said "whatever allows me to be home with you more."
Clairvaux-Seven Months Old
Push play before you read this post. This is your nickname right now. We call you "Chicken Fried."

This month you have really changed the most. You are sitting and crawling everywhere. I find you in other rooms examining and tasting whatever finds its way into your mouth. You also started clapping and saying, "Ma, ma, ma" with your neck really stretched out. Super cute. We all love when you do it. The kids will tell me that you are doing the desired stretch!

You are still being stubborn on food. I think it is the spoon that you don't like. I will just try putting things on your tray. We moved you into your own room which solved the night issues. Amazing. You usually only get up once which I don't mind at all. You sleep from 7:00-8:30. You are taking two naps a day now. You weigh about 15 lbs. which puts you in the 50 percentile and are in the 95th for your length.
Clairvaux-Six Months Old
Your half birthday! You have turned into my girl, my velcro baby. Don't take you from me...warning, warning. We do love each other that is for sure.

This month, you started sitting up by yourself. I found you in your bed just sitting. You still won't take any solids and love the art of nursing. You are starting to play by yourself a bit which is always cute to watch you examine a new toy.
Clairvaux-Five Months Old
Each month that goes by seems to go faster and faster. It is always delightful getting to know your baby and learning their likes and dislikes. We celebrated your first Christmas this month. It is wonderful to have a baby in your arms at Christmas.

Often times when you were fussy during the making of the evening meal, the only thing that occupied your thoughts was Baby Mozart. Your generous siblings watched everyday with you hoping that a great rerun of their favorite show would soon follow.

On a Developmental Month, your mode of transportation is rolling everywhere. You aren't eating any solids and will not take a bottle anymore. You are still in our room so you get up quite often, but soon we will move you to your own room which always helps remedy that little issue. I love you.
Often times when you were fussy during the making of the evening meal, the only thing that occupied your thoughts was Baby Mozart. Your generous siblings watched everyday with you hoping that a great rerun of their favorite show would soon follow.
On a Developmental Month, your mode of transportation is rolling everywhere. You aren't eating any solids and will not take a bottle anymore. You are still in our room so you get up quite often, but soon we will move you to your own room which always helps remedy that little issue. I love you.
Monday, March 7, 2011
These are the times...
Never, ever forget how wonderful and full life is right now. It is beautiful. I enjoy our days together. I love looking in my rear-view mirror to see this. We listen to Raffi, Gaelic Storm, or The Sound of Music soundtrack.
Welcome Gloria Chiara!
Welcome little Gloria to our family! We love you and were honored to be at your Baptism!

Lots and lots of cuteness was present.
Meet Miss Maisie.
Meet Miss Maisie.
Beautiful hair day!
I really enjoy styling the girls' hair different ways. I love trying different braids, bows, pins, curling irons and ribbons. This is our current favorite. I love it! I think it looks so elegant and ladylike.
I have learned so much from YouTube. I learned about french braiding. YouTube has taught me the little tricks that I wasn't aware of.

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