I took the older four to see a Christmas play tonight at our local playhouse in honor of St. Lucy. She is the patron of eye doctors so we decided to go SEE something in thanksgiving for our eyesight and what a gift it is. As always, Zellie was adorable and secretly tucked her prairie bonnet under her arm while we were leaving. Upon arriving, I noticed and asked why she brought it to which she replied "I wanted to wear it during the show." She was acting all awkward with it, but would shyly put it on when the actors came out. When the lights would turn on, she would quickly take it off. When the lights went down, she would casually put the bonnet back on. Repeat.
To overwhelm Zellie more, I went and asked her if she wanted her picture taken with "Laura." She was starstruck.
Laura Ingalls |
Ma Ingalls |
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