Thursday, January 30, 2014

A thank you note

I think awards of any kind are generally awkward to accept for a variety of reasons.   Our blog was awarded the "Most Inspiring Blog" over at A Knotted Life's 2nd Annual Sheenazing Awards.  I am not trying to be humble of any sorts, but after reading through many of the blogs that were nominated, I wish could tell them personally how they have inspired me by living out their lives so beautifully.  Anyway, thank you to those who nominated our blog. 

Bonnie, the author of A Knotted Life, gives readers such a beautiful gift by introducing so many of us to each other for the first time.  She has her own full plate especially as of late with her son James.  What a beautiful gift she gives to those of us who blog and to those who read blogs.  We are all so grateful for the time she puts into organizing this event.  What a wonderful way to unite ourselves as we are all a part of the body of Christ.  I read through numerous blogs that were nominated in each category and felt such a unity between us mothers.  Thank you, Bonnie.

I tend to spiritualize everything.  That is how I find meaning in the many things that don't make sense in this world. I have to find God's hand in everything otherwise life can be too overwhelming for me.  John and I love the movie The Gladiator. One of our favorite scenes is set in the Coliseum.  It is the first time the gladiators are together and are left frantically trying to defend themselves alone.

In a courageous attempt to unite the gladiators Maximus states,

 "Whatever comes out of these gates, we've got a better chance at survival if we work together.  Do you understand?  If we work together, we survive!"
You can help me. Whatever comes out of these gates, we’ve got a better chance of survival if we work together. Do you understand? If we stay together we survive.
You can help me. Whatever comes out of these gates, we’ve got a better chance of survival if we work together. Do you understand? If we stay together we survive.

That is how I see these awards.  I see them as all of us working together to survive. We are each in our homes day in and day out really leading as Matthew Kelly says, "Quiet lives of desperation."  How wonderful it is to know "others" are out there fighting the good fight each day.  May God bless all of you.  Every blogger has their unique gift and talent they bring to the table helping each other along the way.  It really is a beautiful thing!


  1. Beautifully written, and you really are so inspiring!

  2. I loved this, Lindsey. Such wise words.

  3. This is beautiful, Lindsey! I'm so happy you won. :-)

  4. I too think you are most deserving of this award. Ah yes, quiet lives of desperation...most fitting many days around our home. : )

  5. Oh yes, I agree with Elizabeth are most deserving of this award! Thank you for letting the Holy Spirit shine through you and your family and for inspiring us to lead lives holiness.

  6. As one (of many, probably) of the nominators of your blog for that particular award, I honestly cannot thank you enough for writing and for sharing your life. I'm a Catholic mama to many littles and it really does my heart (and mind) good to hear your perspective. I love your family and the way you write about them. :-)

  7. Lindsay, I am also glad you won the award! Praise God for His work through you in your family and to so many other moms through your blog. I love that you write like you are talking to a friend and I think your readers feel like they get to know you and your genuine heart. God bless you and your beautiful family,

  8. So happy you won! Thank you for sharing your beautiful insights and wisdom with all of us, especially young mom's like me :)

  9. Ditto the above :) and also, another great line from that movie, "what we do in this life, echos in eternity." Thank you for sharing your life and helping me keep perspective. :)

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