Oh Zellie! Can the world contain such cuteness? From the tips of your hair to the bottoms of your feet, you are precious. How can you be three? I know we just had you. I know I just brought you home and couldn't believe I had three little girls.
I could have posted millions of pictures of you. EVERY picture taken of you could tell a story or win an award. Your personality can't be beat. How can I list the ways I love you? How can I list the unbelievable amount of cute things you do in one day. You approach us every time you need to use the restroom and ask, "You come with me potty?" All you want is someone to walk you to the door and then you say, "Thank you, I can do it myself now." This past month, we awake to your face in our bed. Sometime during the night, you don't just climb into bed with us, you barrel roll into bed with us. Your Papa and I always look at each other in the middle of the night, smile, and then go back to sleep. I love that you find happiness sleeping between us.
My very favorite moment of each birth is being handed for the first time your brand new baby. I feel as though time stops for a moment. I have often said that God gives us a little sneak peak into heaven for a moment when we first see the face of our child. It is as if heaven's doors open for a brief moment.
The love affair I have with each of you begins immediately. I sit in the hospital staring almost at times thinking "they aren't real." They are too perfect. Look at this little body with froggy legs. Legs that I felt for months and now I am touching them. There is such an aura around a newborn the first 24 hours especially. They smell like the womb, feel like the womb, and almost have a celestial glow. I always forget that I need to let others hold our new babies.
Then after a couple days your little life begins in our home. This is always the hardest part for me. I bring home the new love of my life only to be greeted by the other loves of my life. I feel my heart hurt sometimes literally. So many blessings and only one of me as their mother to show these gifts how much they are loved and wanted. You were loved before you were born, but probably were kissed 1,000,000 per day. Lillie and Dominic always wanted to hold you. Nothing makes a mother's heart happier.
This was taken right before your first birthday. I was giddy to have three girls. I have a major obsession with finding matching or color related dresses so having three girls sent me over the top. Your eyes are as blue as the ocean and could capture any heart. I love little girls with long hair, but had to cut your hair just once to see what a little girl looked like with "stacked" hair. It was over the top.
This was taken on your second birthday.
Today was a wonderful day. We've talked about your birthday forever and what kind of party you wanted to have. You have gone back and forth about which cake you wanted me to make. On Monday, you put your final request in for a Snow White cake. So for a week now the topic of discussion has been "My Snow White Party." Too bad you have never seen Snow White, but it was fun none the less.
We spent the day at Mahoney State Park riding horses, playing on playgrounds, eating, and swimming for three hours. Grandpa, Grandma, Andy, Cacki, Mary, Isaac, Margaret Mary, Lucy, Emma, Joe, Paul, and your own siblings made the day so special for you.
All you talked about was riding the horses, but caved at the last minute and were content to watch everyone else go.
It was nice that your best friend came and was very good for having missed both her naps. She sat by me on the towel for three hours while you swam. She loves you.
We are grateful to everyone who joined us and told you 100 times how much you are loved. We came home at 5:00 because Papa was off work and had your party with just our family.
One of your daily hobbies is coloring with pencils. I still get giddy when I buy a brand new box. You started coloring immediately.
You also received a Porcelain doll that you quickly name "Gemma." She was such a hit that she was rushed off into the other room by your other mothers to get right to it. We heard a lot of boundaries being established about who holds her and who can hold her hat. D.A.R.L.I.N.G. Thank you, thank you for giving us such joy. I love how the older siblings convince the younger ones of what they need.
Happy 3rd Birthday, my sweet girl. You are in irreplaceable part of our family. Please don't ever grow out of your gerbil voice. Your Uncle Timmy called this morning to wish you Happy Birthday and after having talked with you for some time, he told me that you completely melted his heart. You have your ways of winning over everyone who meets you. Your love is one that is much sought after. Please don't stop reading your books upside down and pretending you know all the words. Please don't stop leading our family in prayer every night wrapping up each session with Salve Regina, Immaculate Mary, and Hail Holy Queen. Just for kicks the other night we let you just sing alone. We checked outside to make sure there wasn't a line for tickets being sought after. Please don't stop fake laughing. Please don't stop asking me the FIRST thing every morning with your dragon breath and crazy hair, "Can you get me some Cheerios, honey, and juice?"
Please don't ever stop loving your siblings and being one of the gang. I love your love for Vianney. She really does love you and will be your buddy for the rest of your life.
Zellie, I love you so much. Thank you for having been born. Your life is beautiful to us.